Wir backen Weihnachtskekse / Making Christmas Cookies
Wenige Tage vor Weihnachten traf ich mich mit Béa, um Weihnachtskekse zu backen. Als ich an diesem Tag zur Metrostation ging, um zu ihr zu fahren, war es wahnsinnig kalt und ich war halb erfroren, als ich an meiner Metrostation ankam. Dann, an ihrer Metrostation angekommen, mußte ich noch so etwa 20 Minuten auf sie warten, da sie sich etwas verspätet hatte und war erneut am bibbern. Dann gingen wir zum örtlichen Supermarkt, um uns mit Backutensilien auszustatten. Bei ihr angekommen entschieden wir uns, drei verschieden Sorten zu backen. Eine davon waren Schokoladenkekse, die leider recht bitter wurden, da wir zuckerfreie Backschokolade gekauft hatten. Die zweite Sorte (Nußgeschmack) mußten wir leider entsorgen, da sie nicht über da sich der Teig nicht verfestigte. Die dritte Sorte war dann schließlich sogar halbwegs genießbar. Ihren Vermieterinnen, denen wir anschließend welche unserer selbstkreirten Kekse anboten, schienen hiervon wenig angetan, was wir an den verzogenen Mundwinkeln erahnen konnte. Später teilte Béa mir dann mit, daß sie unsere ganze Kekse entsorgt hätte. Es war auf jeden Fall ein lustiger Backnachmittag bei ihr.
A few days before Christmas Béa and I decided to make some Christmas cookies at her home in Maryland. When we had made this decision I thought it was a good idea but when I made up my way to the metro station to get to her place in Maryland I was not so sure because that day was one of the coldest days ever. I was freezing all the time during my 30-minute walk to the metro station and so was I when I had to wait for her at her metro station because she was around 20 minutes late. Then, we went to the local supermarket to buy some baking stuff. When we got to her home in Maryland, we started our funny Christmas-Cookie-Afternoon. We decided to make three different sorts of cookies. The first sort, nut taste, eventually equaled to the Blob in the movie "The Blob" because it was just liquid so we decided to put it in the garbage can. The last two were ok but not really delicious. Unfortunately, we bought a packet of sugar free chocolate so our chocolate cookies didn´t taste very sweet though. The last sort was without chocolate, just simple cookie. When her landladies got home we offered them some of our self created cookies but they, no miracle, didn´t seem to enjoy them very much. Later Béa told me that she had thrown all our cookies in the garbage because nobody did eat them. Anyway, it was a funny day and we spent some nice hours in the kitchen.
A few days before Christmas Béa and I decided to make some Christmas cookies at her home in Maryland. When we had made this decision I thought it was a good idea but when I made up my way to the metro station to get to her place in Maryland I was not so sure because that day was one of the coldest days ever. I was freezing all the time during my 30-minute walk to the metro station and so was I when I had to wait for her at her metro station because she was around 20 minutes late. Then, we went to the local supermarket to buy some baking stuff. When we got to her home in Maryland, we started our funny Christmas-Cookie-Afternoon. We decided to make three different sorts of cookies. The first sort, nut taste, eventually equaled to the Blob in the movie "The Blob" because it was just liquid so we decided to put it in the garbage can. The last two were ok but not really delicious. Unfortunately, we bought a packet of sugar free chocolate so our chocolate cookies didn´t taste very sweet though. The last sort was without chocolate, just simple cookie. When her landladies got home we offered them some of our self created cookies but they, no miracle, didn´t seem to enjoy them very much. Later Béa told me that she had thrown all our cookies in the garbage because nobody did eat them. Anyway, it was a funny day and we spent some nice hours in the kitchen.
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