Der letzte Praktikumstag / Last day on the job
Der 19. Januar, mein letzter Praktikumstag - schon ein komisches Gefühl. Die letzten fünf Monate waren doch recht schnell vergangen. Meine Kollegen Frank, Craig, Amando und Bill luden mich zum Mittagessen zu "FADO", einem Restaurant gleich neben unserem Büro, ein. Mein Boß, Michael, schien etwas erstaunt, als ich ihm sagte, daß ich mit ihnen zur Pause gehen würde. Normalerweise hat er seine Praktikanten an deren letztem Tag immer zum Essen eingeladen aber auf Grund unseres "guten" Verhälnisse in den letzten fünf Monaten, hat er bei mir davon abgesehen. Nachmittags habe ich meine Kollegen dann noch auf ein Gläschen Wein eingeladen um mich zu verabschieden, bevor ich dann langsam meine Sachen gepackt habe. Dann ging es erneut zu FADO - gemeinsam mit Carolyn, ihrem Mann, Steffi und ihrem Freund Dany, um meinen Abschied zu feiern. Nach einigen Stunden hieß es dann aber auch von ihnen endgültig Abschied zu nehmen. Konnte gar nicht so recht glauben, daß mein Praktikum nun wirklich vorbei sein sollte. Nur noch drei Tage, bis ich nach Hause fliege.
January 19th, 2005, the last day of my internship. It was kinda strange to believe that I had reached the end of my internship so quickly. The last five months, so it seemed to me, had flashed past so quickly and only three days later I would take the plane back home. My colleagues Frank, Craig, Amando and Bill invited me for lunch. My supervisor, Michael, seemed to be very astonished when I told him that I was leaving for lunch with them (because of our bad relation over the last five months). Actually, it was always him who invited his intern for lunch on his last day but this time it was my colleagues and he didn´t seem to like that. We went to "FADO", a pub/restaurant next to the office. Later, before leaving, I invited my colleagues for a glass of wine to say good bye. After I had left the office and gave my supervisor a "friendly" good bye, I went to FADO again with Carolyn, her husband, Steffi and her boyfriend Dany. We were sitting there for a couple of hours before I had to say them good bye for the very last time.
January 19th, 2005, the last day of my internship. It was kinda strange to believe that I had reached the end of my internship so quickly. The last five months, so it seemed to me, had flashed past so quickly and only three days later I would take the plane back home. My colleagues Frank, Craig, Amando and Bill invited me for lunch. My supervisor, Michael, seemed to be very astonished when I told him that I was leaving for lunch with them (because of our bad relation over the last five months). Actually, it was always him who invited his intern for lunch on his last day but this time it was my colleagues and he didn´t seem to like that. We went to "FADO", a pub/restaurant next to the office. Later, before leaving, I invited my colleagues for a glass of wine to say good bye. After I had left the office and gave my supervisor a "friendly" good bye, I went to FADO again with Carolyn, her husband, Steffi and her boyfriend Dany. We were sitting there for a couple of hours before I had to say them good bye for the very last time.
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