Das zweite Wochenende / Weekend No. 2
An meinem zweiten Wochenende machte ich mit meiner Mitpraktikantin Andrea auf den Weg zum Arlington Cemetery in Virginia. Der Arlington Cemetery ist ein Soldatenfriedhof und eine große Touristenattraktion direkt an der Grenze zu Virginia. U. a. wurde John F. Kennedy hier beerdigt. Das Anwesen gehörte ursprünglich einmal Robert E. Lee. Nun mag der eine oder andere von Euch denken "wer um alles in der Welt ist denn das?". Also, Robert Edward Lee war General der Armee von Nordvirginia im amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg von 1861 - 1865 und die große Hoffnung der Südstaaten (die sich von der Union losgesagt haben), eine eigene Nation zu gründen. Elf Staaten, darunter auch sein Heimatstaat Virginia, schlossen sich zwischen Dezember 1860 und Mai 1861 zusammen und gründeten die CSA (die Konfederierten Staaten von Amerika). Nachdem er sich (nach tagelangen inneren Quälereien) entschloß, den Südstaaten und nicht der Unionsarmee zu dienen, wurde sein Anwesen von der Unionsarmee anektiert, als diese den Norden Virginias besetzte und schließlich immer weiter in das Gebiet der Konfederierten vordrang. Die Bronzefigur auf dem Bild ist übrigens ein Abbild von, Ihr ahnt es schon, dem lieben Robert.
Soviel in Sachen Geschichtsunterricht für heute!!!
Für Fotos klickt rechts auf "Lars´s images".
My second weekend should become very exciting. I made a trip to Arlington Cemetery with Andrea, one of my fellow interns. The Arlington Cemetery is located at the boundary between Virginia and Washington, D.C. and is a famous tourist attraction today. Famous people like John F. Kennedy are buried there. The mansion used to belong to Robert E. Lee. Well, maybe some of you will ask now "who the hell is that guy?". I will tell you. Robert Edward Lee was a General of the Confederate Armee in the Civil War between the northern states (the Union) and the southern states (the Confederacy) from 1861 - 1865. The Southern states rebelled against their membership in the Union and eventually secceded between December 1860 and May 1961. Eleven states which left the union joined together to form the CSA (the Confederate States of America). Robert E. Lee, who didn´t symphatisize with seccecion as a matter of fact, finally decided to put himself into service of the Confederacy because he couldn´t bear to raise the sword against his home state Virginia, which became one of the eleven member states of the Confederacy. He became the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia. After he had joined the Confederate Army, the Union Army annexed his mansion (Arlington House) which lies so close to Washington, D.C. As you can imagine, the guy on the picture above is Robert E. Lee.
Well, that´s enough history lesson for today!!!
For pics click on "Lars´s images" on the right.
Soviel in Sachen Geschichtsunterricht für heute!!!
Für Fotos klickt rechts auf "Lars´s images".
My second weekend should become very exciting. I made a trip to Arlington Cemetery with Andrea, one of my fellow interns. The Arlington Cemetery is located at the boundary between Virginia and Washington, D.C. and is a famous tourist attraction today. Famous people like John F. Kennedy are buried there. The mansion used to belong to Robert E. Lee. Well, maybe some of you will ask now "who the hell is that guy?". I will tell you. Robert Edward Lee was a General of the Confederate Armee in the Civil War between the northern states (the Union) and the southern states (the Confederacy) from 1861 - 1865. The Southern states rebelled against their membership in the Union and eventually secceded between December 1860 and May 1961. Eleven states which left the union joined together to form the CSA (the Confederate States of America). Robert E. Lee, who didn´t symphatisize with seccecion as a matter of fact, finally decided to put himself into service of the Confederacy because he couldn´t bear to raise the sword against his home state Virginia, which became one of the eleven member states of the Confederacy. He became the commander of the Army of Northern Virginia. After he had joined the Confederate Army, the Union Army annexed his mansion (Arlington House) which lies so close to Washington, D.C. As you can imagine, the guy on the picture above is Robert E. Lee.
Well, that´s enough history lesson for today!!!
For pics click on "Lars´s images" on the right.
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