Die nächsten Wochen / The next few weeks
Die folgenden Wochen war ich mit den gleichen Dingen beschäftigt wie zuvor - also lesen nonstop. So langsam folgten dann aber auch die ersten praktischen Arbeitsaufgaben! Auf Anraten meiner Mitpraktikantin Katrin nutze ich das Wochenende dafür, mir dieses Mal das Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial anzuschauen, welches (verglichen zum dem Lincoln Memorial oder dem Jefferson Memorial) um einiges größer war. Hatte wieder grandioses Fotografierwetter, wie unzweifelhaft auf den Fotos erkennbar. Außerdem nutzte ich das wieder einmal fabelhafte Wetter für einen kleinen Spaziergang entlang am Potomac River.
Für Fotos klickt rechts auf "Lars´s images".
The next few weeks were business as usual. Since my fellow intern Katrin had recommended me to visit the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, I decided to go there on the weekend to come. Compared to the other presidential memorials (the Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial) this one was much bigger in its space. As you can see on the pics the weather was fantastic again, excellent for taking pictures. I also made good use of the day and made a walk along the Potomac River.
For pics click on "Lars´s images" on the right.
Für Fotos klickt rechts auf "Lars´s images".
The next few weeks were business as usual. Since my fellow intern Katrin had recommended me to visit the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, I decided to go there on the weekend to come. Compared to the other presidential memorials (the Lincoln Memorial and the Jefferson Memorial) this one was much bigger in its space. As you can see on the pics the weather was fantastic again, excellent for taking pictures. I also made good use of the day and made a walk along the Potomac River.
For pics click on "Lars´s images" on the right.
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